Sunday, March 9

Birthday Generals

Refereeing Operation CTF and judging Operation Happy Feet:

Amy Middleton (March 6th)
I was born on the same day as Shaq and Michelangelo (the artist, not the ninja turtle--although I have been known for my nunchuck skills). This is no surprise because I have enormous feet and like to paint. Ok, so my feet aren't big and my greatest work was probably a portrait of Jeffery Zeldman (tempera on posterboard), but I was born on the same day as Kiki Dee so you know I won't go breakin' your heart (I couldn't if I tried).
Kimmie Lathana (March 11th)
Oh snap, Joel and Benji Madden (Good Charlotte) were born on the exact same day and year that I was! We're practically triplets! Except, you know, for the whole different parents thing. Bygones. So, I like shopping, Boggle, making lists, hiking, roller-blading (don't hate), and rock-climbing. And there's no way that I would've cheated on Hilary with Nicole. Just saying.
Becca Shim (March 14th)
I was born on Pi Day, which is pretty much the best day to be born for someone who likes numbers and circles. Other people of note who share my birthday are Albert Einstein (you know, the GENIUS) and Taylor Hanson (Mmm Bop). I like to cook and clean and go to bed early and wake up early in the morning. Also, I like celebrity gossip and speaking in Pig Latin. Also, I like to lie just for kicks. Except that part about Einstein and Hanson--that part's true. Also, the part about lying, that's also true...and ironic.
Jen Nuckols (March 20th)

Collin Smith (March 26th)
I'm not technically a pisces, but since Aries is the god of war, the others decided to let me stay and play. I share a birthday with Steven Tyler, Diana Ross, Martin Short and Leonard Nimoy (to name a few). All that means is that I like to rock, I'm a diva with legs of steel, much of my greatest work has been overshadowed by bit parts and I'm from another planet. Live long and prosper!