Sunday, March 9

CTF Team Captains

Team Blue Captain: TBA
Team Fuchsia Captain:
Richard Gordon-Mary-Kate and Ashley-Jada-Pinkett-Smith

If being a decedent from the Knights of Malta doesn't qualify me as a leader, I don't know what will. Probably my name. Yes, it makes up the the largest portion of my resume and no, I cannot repeat it for you (try and catch it all the first time). A strong leader requires a strong name, or at least a long one. I like to think I qualify with both.
I require the strictest of discipline from my troops. I also require that they are familiar with the work that I have done. Team Fuchsia members need to be astute and able, and have just enough flair to put them in the middle of blue and mauve.

SPECIAL MOVE: The Maltese Hips

*Now recruiting.