Sunday, March 9

Dance-Off Officers

Aja Graves
Aja has been dancing since she was 3, where she debuted as an oak sapling. She has now grown into larger roles, playing sunburst maples and quaking aspens. Aja has a particular affinity to trees, growing up in the "Tree City" of Springville, Ut where she first was inspired by her nickname "Leaf."
Jeff Hofmann shares a birthday with Hitler, but promises there will be no goose-stepping in his team's routine. Jeff has no formal choreography experience, but as you can see he has been known to wear tights on occasion. Usually, the tights are worn not for dancing but for fighting crime, although sometimes both can be done at the same time. Members of Jeff's team should expect to do a lot of jumps, kicks, hand-jiving and crumping, but they should probably not expect Jeff to do any of those things.
Rachel Smith
All you really need to know about Rachel and her mad hot dance skillz is that she got a B+ in tap dancing from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. Rachel is the creator of well-known sweet dance moves such as the one-footed-folk-song-stomp and the hang-on-to-your-jacket-lapels-shoulder-shimmy. Also, she loves dancing so much that one time in a lyrical class she got a heart-shaped blister on her big toe (see above). BEAT THAT, SUCKAHS!!!

From the arguably insane genius that brought you the smash hit DAYglo Cloud Warrior, comes the dance off that'll rock your pants off. Taking inspiration from David Bowie, Zoolander, and that fierce tranny hotmess herself Britney 'funktard' Spears, the Cloud Warrior Crew is ready to kick(ball step) the other teams into the ground. From his early days choreographing the neighborhood orphans into kicklines, recreating the rooftop scene 'Step In Time' from the award-winning Mary Poppins...on actual roofs!, directing an all-bicycle version of West Side Story, and countless music videos with the likes of Lionel Ritchie and Salt 'N Peppa, this young man has proven himself capable of leading anyone into battle royale!! Plans for this massive attack are on super-charged lock down.